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Machinery Removals
Machinery Removals

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Van hire and Auto rental services

Holiday auto rental services

It becomes more and more popular that people instead of driving their own car prefer to take a plane to their holiday resort and then hire a car. Off course it is a very comfortable service. You do not have to drive 1000km to the place where you are going to Van hire services.relax and have a rest.

You simply fly there and use an auto rental service. What is most important when your time off work has finished you can get back home without getting tired and stressed behind the wheel. You also will not stuck in traffick and instead you will get back from your holiday relaxed and well-rested.

Transit van hire

Are you planning to move your hose and your budget is very tight? That's not a problem! There is a solution for you! You can simply hire a van and carry out your relocation yourself. And if there are any heavy and large furniture your can ask your friends to give you a hand.

Average car and auto rental rates

Car hire rates
Type of the vehicle per day per week
Luton van £55 £250
Volksvagen £40 £200
7,5 ton £70 £300